Agenda Items

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Board Meetings are considered Events in this system. To create a board meeting, you must create an Event. See Create an Event / Meeting .

The list of topics to be discussed during a board meeting is normally referred to as an Agenda. If you have a simple or small agenda, you can enter it into the into the Body field of the Event you are posting for the meeting.

However, if you would like to create individual agenda items to which you could post comments and/or files, then you should post Agenda items to your Events. The advantage to this method is that each individual Agenda item can now be discussed independent of the other items, as opposed to posting a variety of comments on a variety of subjecst to the one Event.


Post Agenda item(s) to an Event (Meeting)

To enter an Agenda item, you must first go to or "View" the Meeting event to which the Agenda item is to be posted. To locate the event, you can click on the "Group calendar " link or the "Events " link located in the group's left and right column navigation menus, respectively. When you see the Meeting event you want, click on it. This will bring up the details for the event.


Event Post Agenda Link


At the bottom of the event screen, you will see a link titled "Post agenda item for this event". Click on this link.


Submit Agenda 01


When you click on the "Post agenda item for this event" link, you will see a new event form, only this is for entering Agenda items. The Start and End dates you see will reflect those of the event to which this Agenda item will be attached. You should edit the Start and End times to reflect the approximate timeframe that this particular Agenda item will be discussed. The Title will default to "Agenda for" followed by the Title of the event to which this Agenda item will be attached. You can modify the Title to whatever you wish. Enter the agenda description into Agenda Description.


Submit Agenda 02


The "Groups" section should have "USA Dance LA" checked. Only check the "Public" if you want this post to be displayed to the general public.

If you wish to attach a file to this Agenda item, click on the "Browse" button to locate the file on your local hard drive. Click "OK" to accept the file and place it's path (location) into the box next to the "Browse" button. You must click on "Attach" to upload this file to the site. If you do not click on the "Attach" button, the file will NOT be uploaded to the site.

Click on the "Submit" button to create this post and associate it to the event.

Repeat these steps for as many Agenda items as you wish to post to an event.

Once posted, the Agenda item(s) are automatically displayed in the Event.


Display Agenda in Event


Once a Meeting event and Agenda items are created, you can easily add comments to them by clicking on the "Add comments" button at the bottom of the "View" screens for each. It is via comments that you can create discussions on items posted. One person comments on a particular post. The next person replies to that comment with his own, and so on. Individual Agenda items can be discussed in depth and at length before the actual board meeting takes place, so that by the time the meeting is held, everone should be up to speed on all the issues surrounding the item.


Add Comments to Agenda


Please note that it is important for you to add comments that are pertinent to the posts. That is, if you wish to discuss a particular Agenda item, then you should add your comments to that particular Agenda item, and not to the Event. Furthermore, you should never create a new Forum Topic to discuss an Agenda item when you can post your comments directly to the Agenda item. The goal here is to keep comments pertinent to the posts they are attached to, and not have the posts on the same topic posted in various areas.